After the 2010-11 floods NSF worked with Muawin on a project for providing sewage disposal for villages in Jampur, members of NSF paid several visits to OPPRTI, received training on mapping/documentation as well as guidance on initiating the low-cost sanitation program. Total 65 maps completed, (this period 5 maps completed), motivation in newly mapped areas continues. Total 51 self help lane sewers 10,085 rft. laid. comprising of 685 houses, people’s investment is Rs. 2,449,814. Periodically OPPRTI team member provides guidance for lobbying for the implementation of sewerage plan of Jampur city, construction has started which is jointly followed by NSF & OHD. Earlier two EMSTU’s were constructed in Talai wala, 89 houses contributed Rs. 55,100. Mobilization of work initiated in Kot Tahir, Shahwala and Darkan wala. Earlier 2 members team of the Prime Welfare Foundation was trained on mapping, documentation, planning, and estimation. PWF is initiating a low-cost sanitation program in UC Harand.Rectification survey; 7 lanes in Jampur Sharki last period. Rectification of 311 rft. sewerage line completed last period.